Elsewhere, he knew, the other squadron commanders in the attack wave would be doing likewise. Caparan activated one of the runes on his comm-link console, sending out an automated status request to the rest of his squadron. At this range - still almost one thousand kilometres away from the target - a direct hit was almost impossible, but each energy blast emitted a burst of widespread and high-intensity radiation lethal to both a bomber’s crew and control systems, while each exploding anti-ordnance missile warhead or mass-reactive shell threw out a hail of shrapnel that could cover a volume of space tens of kilometres across. All around the lead Starhawk, the hard vacuum of space was filled with similar explosions and energy bursts. ’VANDIRE’S TEETH!’ Milos Caparan cursed, triggering his starboard thrusters and jinking the two hundred tonne attack bomber out of the path of a kilometre-wide explosive starburst which filled the view out of the cockpit’s main viewing port. I've seen it said that the Executor doesn't have the number of weapons or the shield strength it should have for a ship its size,Īs far as power generation, for an escort (I believe), one calc came out with, ".an absolute lower limit of 2.15 X 10^22 watts." I have no idea if that's more physics-busting than the Empire's, but I believe high-end calcs for battleship firepower start at triple-digit teratons and go up from there.

Assuming a 6-kilometer Retribution, I got a total volume of ~4.8 km^3, although that may not be perfectly accurate, as I had to assume width. Not sure how that affects the actual volume difference of the two ships, particularly since I don't think I've seen the width/height dimensions for the Executor. And while that still puts them as much shorter than an Executor-class (19 kilometers long, I believe), IoM ships are also more massively built, being bricks instead of daggers. My understanding is that IoM battleships are typically in the 8-11 kilometer range. And the Rogue Trader stats have Grand Cruisers at 7+ kilometers in length.